10U Cooperstown Team

10U Cooperstown Team

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

..They're BAA-ACK!... Enter The Bostonians

We now interrupt your regularly scheduled New York updates to pan over to our high in the sky, camera 2-- where we are receiving live feed (well, as live as it can be thanks to Coach Mike and his handy dandy iPhone photos) from our very own Bullets of Boston...

In today's news the Marchants and Schannings made their way to...(drum roll, please)..FENWAY PARK! (insert stadium/crowd roar here).

Pictured Below

(Left - Right)

Dillon "PICKLE" Schanning, Joe "BIG JOE" Marchant, and Griffin Schanning

..And now..a moment of silence while we take it all in ..okay that's enough silence
Moving right along..

Another shot..Dill and Joe

Can't visit R'lyeh's old stompin' grounds without a Schanning Family Photo with Fenway in the background. Does it get any better than this for a true Bostonian? I'm guessing not.
The Schanning Family

"Baseball and Boston with the Schannings"

..And of course, the moment they've all been waiting for..

It's the Von-Trapp Family (Sound of Music)!

No--wait! It's the Marchants and Schanning families

(Left - Right)

Griffin, Jacob, Jack, Joe, Maggie, Emma and Dillon

And no day in Boston would be complete without...


That's it for now..reporting live from Boston..
..Now back to our Bullet Boys in New York...
Tune in next time..
For the newest reality series entitled,
"Livin' like Bostonians with the Marchants and Schannings"

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